Jonathan Stark - Jonathan Stark Consulting, Inc.
Name: Jonathan Stark
Current Job: President, Jonathan Stark Consulting, Inc.
Current Location: Providence, RI USA
Current Computer: I use a MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2018 that I hate :/
Current mobile devices: Pixel 2
If you have kids, do you hav boundaries or strategies with them with your work?
When I worked at home, I had to warn them before a business phone call. They were pretty good about keeping quiet (as long as I didn’t have calls all day)
What do you do (if anything) to stay in shape?
I go to the gym twice a week with a personal trainer and I do martial arts about 4-5 hours per week.
Describe your workspace setup:
I used to work from home/coffeeshops a lot but now I have a private office about half a mile from my house where I go every day.
What do you listen to while you work? Nothing. I can’t think with music playing.
Aside from your phone and computer, name a gadget you can’t live without in your workspace (ie. coffee mug/headphones/wireless mouse, etc.): A good podcasting mic (currently MXL USB.006 USB Cardioid Condenser Microphone)